we put the aw in awesome


Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Boldt's

Congrats Heather and Brandon! They got married in the Twin Falls, Idaho temple on Saturday.

Friday night they had a reception/ family reunion with Brandon's family. There was a ton of food, a ton of people, and it was a lot of fun.

Ivan fell asleep in the car with his hat just like this. Must have learned that from his Papa.

The huge line for food. It was nuts!

Something weird had been said to deserve the sass. 

Shaya gettin her baby love on.

The best way to keep Ivan busy in the car. He loves his magnets.

We had the chance to visit some friends in Filer, the town next door to Twin Falls. Logan is one of Michael's friends from his mission. He and his wife, Heather, are expecting their first baby. It's a girl! I'm so excited for them.

They have a dog, a retriever mix. Ivan really liked him. Lately Ivan has been pretty nervous around dogs, especially big dogs. So we had been taking him to the dog park in town just to see other dogs and be around them. And we were nervous for Ivan to meet the Lusk's dog since we would be staying with them while we were in Twin Falls.

Ivan kept moving the food to the water bowl, after he dumped the water out, then back to the food bowl. Buck thought it was pretty cool. 

Most dogs that Ivan has been around have tried to lick him in the face and smother him. Buck didn't really even notice Ivan was there most of the time.  And we left Ivan outside with the dog for quite a while, turns out Buck is a pretty good babysitter.

He sure loved the dog kennel.
The temple the next day was simply beautiful. It was great to see so much of Michael's extended family. And it was hot! They got married in the middle of the day on one of what must have been the hottest days of the year. Amy, Laura's sister, was there and watched my kids while we went to the ceremony. Natalie helped too!

A sucker, the only way Ivan would take pictures with us.

His red little face says it's hot out.

Aw, our little family. I managed to not get a single picture of the bride and groom....

Shoshone Falls, just around the corner from the temple.

The Twin Falls Temple
 Later that evening, Heather and Brandon had a reception in Aberdeen. We stopped in American Falls and fed the fish at the hatchery there. Ivan really liked seeing all the fish and thought throwing food at them was the best thing ever.

He would throw the food so hard it would jolt his little body. 

He fell in. Ivan was walking a little too close to the marshy edge of the water and hit a spot where there wasn't any land. It somehow managed to put him flat on his back in water that wasn't deep enough for his face to go under.  And if you've seen Ivan on his back, you know he doesn't have any ab strength. It was pretty cute watching him try to get out of the water. Once we got him out he was covered in this weird green seedy stuff, which was way gross. And he smelled like fish. Yay!

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