we put the aw in awesome


Monday, September 15, 2014

Photo Dump

Because I'm not more creative, I have a lot on my plate right now, and I want to be all caught up on the blog before baby comes, I'm just going to give you a crap ton of pictures of the awesome things we've been doing this month. Here it goes.

After we visited Brenda and Gavin we had the chance to stop by and see Michael's parents. Janet was reading Ivan this story and he was very interested in what was going on. 

I love seeing Charlotte squished between them. 

We got a fish tank! Michael has been wanting one really bad and after our visit with his parents (who bought our old tank from us) he really really wanted another tank. So happy early birthday to you babe. Once we got it all set up with some fish in it, the kids moved their chairs right in front of it and ate their snack there. We often spend time watching the fish like we would watch TV. It's very amusing. 

A new game in the house, totally made up by the kids, is to walk on the cookie sheets. Ok, I know, those are jelly roll pans, whatever. I use them for cookies so they are cookie sheets. Anyway, Ivan and Charlotte will randomly get the cookies sheets out and set them just far enough apart to make walking on them interesting. 

Ivan and I had the chance to go on a mom and son date. He went with me to my doctor's appointment then we headed to Idaho Falls. We walked around the toy section at the store, had lunch, and did some other shopping. Ivan was a great helper and had a blast, most of the time. At the end of our trip to Target, Ivan was running around the aisle while I looked at something. He was staying near me and out of the way of anyone that came by so I didn't mind him running around. That was until he ran right into a shelf. You know how the metal shelves kinda jut out on the side? So Ivan was running straight down the aisle and hit a shelf with his eye. Ouch. That definitely ended out trip. 

I got to choose where we ate, but Ivan was ecstatic about getting to choose what he ate. And he wore that cowboy hat the whole time!

Charlotte modeling her new boots. I found these boots at a yard sale and got them for the new baby boy, but it's the exact size Charlotte is wearing now and she doesn't have any shoes that fit her. Turns out the boots look just as cute on a girl as they would a boy. Ivan loves that they match.

I totally love this outfit! I think it catches some of her sassy personality. 

A couple businesses in Rigby were doing this promotional thing and we got invited by a friend to go. Turns out it was awesome. They had a big bouncy house obstacle course, pony rides, free food and a bunch of raffle stuff. Ivan loved riding the pony. 

We had delicious hot dogs (seriously they were good). I love everything about this picture. He had to wear his tie. He picked out his own clothes. And he wanted bread for his hot dog. This is the only time that has ever happened. He wouldn't even touch his hot dog til he had the bread for it. And I didn't want to get up again, after chasing him and Charlotte all around by myself (Michael is sleeping) I was pretty tired. So he asked our friends at the table with us then finally decided to go to the table where the bread was and ask the lady there to give him one. Once she noticed he was there, Ivan got the bread he wanted. He ate that whole hot dog too.

This is a sick Ivan. He had a high fever for a couple days, didn't eat much, and wasn't playing at all. Poor kid. He also wasn't sleeping well. I tried to get him to sleep in the bed with me and he wouldn't have it. So we moved to the living room at like 5 am and watched a movie. He started the morning by laying on the couch with all his blankets and animals. I fell asleep at some point and this is what Michael came home to at 7. Being sick is so not fun. Thankfully, he was the only one that got sick and he didn't have a runny nose or vomiting. 

This is what Ivan looks like when he wakes up from nap. I decided to cut his hair that day. 

A trip to the store with dad. Charlotte was so happy!

This is how Michael gets Ivan to behave at Walmart. People all around us were laughing, and so was I!

Just picking dandelions in the yard. 

Charlotte told Ivan "please" and he gave her a flower, how cute!

They were trying so hard to blow off the little seeds. 

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