we put the aw in awesome


Monday, January 30, 2012

Ivan is 4 months!

We, Ivan and I, had the most interesting doctors visit on Thursday. As you all know, or at least you will soon, I absolutely love Ivan's pediatrician. Dr. Jones is such a nice guy and he'll sit in the room with you as long as you want. He does a great job of explaining everything that he checks in a check-up and let's you know what's normal and what to expect, and let's face it, for a new mom that's the best thing ever. This visit was a little bit different than that. Dr. Jones has an intern in his office right now. A physician's assistant intern. This intern's name is Clay. The PA that is interning there is named Clay. Did I mention his name was Clay? Annoying right? This is what Clay did to me at the appointment. Dr Jones introduced him and Clay introduced himself 3, THREE, times. Dr Jones let Clay do some of the check up stuff, like looking in the ears, checking muscle strength and listening to his heart. The entire time he is doing this, Dr Jones is talking to me. And so is Clay. Any time Dr Jones would talk, Clay would too. Then Dr Jones said something about eye color, cuz I'm really curious if Ivan's eyes will stay green, and he said that he has seen children's eyes change colors up to age 2. Clay did not believe this and began vehemently protesting to what had just been said. How rude is that?! I really wish I would have said something to this guy about the fact that I specifically request to see Dr Jones for Ivan's appointments and stupid Clay is not who I want to see, he is not whose opinion I trust, and he's super annoying. But, I decided to keep my mouth shut, something about the talk I read for my religion class about the Tongue of Angels. Anyway, the nurses came in shortly after that and gave Ivan his juice and 2 shots. He was quite a trooper! He didn't cry right away when they poked him, I'm sure it took a minute to register, but when he did cry it was for less than 30 seconds! The nurses, when they have to give shots, come in the room, administer it, and run out as fast as they can. Ivan cried and was smiling again before the nurses left the room. Can you believe that?! I hope every doctor's visit goes like that! I sure do love this little guy. Ivan is also pretty good at wearing clothes that are supposed to be his size. He has kept up pretty good with the 3-6 months clothes, and hopefully he won't decide to grow too fast and can stay in these clothes for a little while longer. We recently got Ivan a Johnny Jump-Up. It's a jumper that hangs from a doorway. We have a perfect doorway that leads to our hallway that even has a ledge made just for the jumper to hang securely. Ivan likes it most of the time, he really wants you to sit in front of him and watch him do all his cool moves.

1 comment:

  1. So good to know about Clay! I hope he's gone when we start seeing Dr. Jones. That's who I plan to see Brooklynn.
